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Sustainable Fashion ?
The fashion and textile industry is not currently sustainable: while it contributes ~1 ~ 1.5% of global GDP, it also produces about 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. How will this change ? The report below delves into what drives the progress towards...
CO2 emissions: Transport
Road travel produces ~15% of global CO2 emissions, while aviation’s part is about ~2.5%. We may lower the first with new technologies, the latter is more complicated …
Digital skills online autumn camps for girls
Empowerment Lab’s online autumn courses offer girls the opportunity to discover the skills behind 3D animation, virtual design or mobile app creation. Explore technology by producing great designs, animations, games and visual data sets.
Climate Migration to Reshape America
Great migration will be caused by climate change. in America alone, 13 million coud be displaced by rising sea levels; heat, drought and other consequences of changing climate will force more to move.
Greenhouse Gases: Sources
To prevent global warming and climate change, greenhouse gasses must be reduced – discover here what their sources are.
The epidemic provides a chance to do good by the climate
The world has paused due to the Covid-19 pandemic – with a resulting decrease in carbon emissions. Will a reboot of the economy be green or brown ?
Can Covid help flatten the climate curve ?
What if covid does not merely knock back consumption, energy use, particularly fossil fuels, CO2 emissions, but reshapes the notion of “normal” and our return to it ?
Viruses’ impacts on us
A tenth of the human genome is viral in origin, but viruses “kill more living things than any other type of predator”.
A virus is a curious thing – are viruses living or not ? Are they benefactors or protagonists ?
Scientists’ warning on affluence
The world’s richest citizens are responsible for most environmental impacts: for the environment, “we can’t afford to be rich”.
Climate Change – a video to help us all understand it
In the year 2019 we pumped out about 37 billion tonnes of carbonb dioxide, 50% more than the year 2000 and almost three times as much as 50 years ago.
Who’s responsible and who needs To fix It?
Needed: economies which thrive whether or not they grow – Kate Raworth
We need economies to thrive, whether or not they need to grow.
Nosy Crow’s book for children on the Coronavirus
A book from Nosey Crow. with understandable & clear explanations for kids 5-10 years about the coronavirus and its effects.
Coronavirus and Climate Change
Deep Background discusses with Bill McKibben, author of “The End of Nature” warning of climate change in 1990, how the Covid-19 pandemic could further activists of the climate crisis. Listen to the podcast here.
Stop Ecocide
Were it a crime to destroy ecosystems, it would be much easier to protect animals from antelope to zebras, rivers from the Amazon to the Zhujiang, rainforests and oceans – such a law is being readied .. .
The end of plastic? New plant-based bottles will degrade in a year
“All-plant” bottles have the support of Carlsberg, Coca-Cola and Danone to face environmental damage caused by plastic pollution and reduce the companies’ reliance on fossil fuels.
In rememberance of Princes Sadruddin and Aly Salomone Aga Khan
Today, 12 May 2020, we remember two Princes Aga Khan: Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, former UN High commissioner for Refugees, and Prince Aly Salomone Aga Khan, former Vice President of the UN General Assembly – and the importance of their heritage.
Fighting For Global Access To Covid-19 Vaccines And Treatment
Adopt a declaration of Rights of Mother Earth
Sign this petition asking the UN to recognize the rights of Mother Earth/Nature alongside human rights.
Earth Day at 50 – what the environmental holiday means today
Earth-Day: a half a century of this environmental holiday, and what it means today.
Epping Forest
The environment’s heart beat of Epping Forest, over 3000 years old, it’s amazing ability to regenerate, multiply and sustain biodiversity …
A plan for Earth’s recovery after Covid-19
Demand a plan for the recovery of the planet: sign the petition for G20 to adopt the Club of Rome’s proposed post-Covid-19 global economic recovery plan.
Relance pour la planète
Exigeons un plan de relance pour la planète : signer la pétition adressée au G20. Adoptez la proposition de plan mondial de relance économique post Covid-19 du Club de Rome. Nous devons protéger la planète et construire notre résilience face aux futures crises....
Adopter une déclaration des droits de la Terre Mère
Signer la pétition ddemandant l’ONU d’adopter une déclaration des droits de la Terre Mère pour compléter la Déclaration des droits de l’Homme.
What Comes After Fossil Fuels ?
What oil companies will have to pay in Europe to decommission old wells amounts to half of their reported debt obligations. These are significant.
Perils of Groundwater Pumping
Groundwater is the most extracted mineral in the world. It’s essential for farming, drinking and industry, some countries rely on it for 100% of their needs. But it comes with a price and a risk …
Greenhouse gas emissions from food
Reducing emissions from food production will be one of our greatest challenges in the coming decades. Knowing the sources of emission, we can think about solutions, which exist …
450 Youth Leaders Converge for Climate Awareness in Lausanne, Switzerland
The Lausanne conference on Climate Awarness – 37 countries and Greta Thunburg.
Halte aux déchets plastiques au paradis!
🇨🇭🇳🇴🇺🇳 Signez la pétition pour halter les gouvernements occidentaux qui déversent des millions de tonnes de plastique sur les côtes de pays en développement au lieu de les recycler!
Le flupyradifurone, un néonicotinoïde qui tue les abeilles
🇪🇺🇫🇷 Pour la troisième fois récemment un pesticide tueur d’abeilles avéré, le flupyradifurone, un néonicotinoïde caché, est autorisé par la Commission européenne sur tout le territoire de l’Union. Signez la pétition pour finir pour de bon avec tous ces tueurs d’abeilles autorisés dans nos champs !
Earth Trusteeship
Earth Trusteeship Platform gathered 22, 23 June 2018 in The Hague to discuss its initiative, “The Hague Principles for a Universal Declaration on Responsibilities for Human Rights and Earth Trusteeship”.
Polly Higgins, a lawyer for earth
“Ecocide is a missing atrocity crime of corporate and State responsibility, a missing international crime against peace.” So declares Polly Higgins, one of the most inspiring figures in the green movement. April 21 2019 this towering defender of Earth died, aged 50.
Sortir du Nucléaire
🇫🇷 Signez la pétition adressée au gouvernement d’Emmanuel Macron d’arrêter l’ensemble du parc nucléaire français.
Solutions to reducing plastic pollution in the oceans
We humans dump more than 8 million tons of plastic into the oceans each year – see what some people are dong about it …
Greta Thunberg – school striking for action against climate change
The call to action, by Greta Thunberg, 16-year-old climate activist. “The climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is to wake up and change” says Thunberg.
Desertification threatens a third of world’s land. Read how afforestation is a solution to it …
The impacts of climate change at 1.5C, 2C and beyond
Half a degree makes a very big difference when judging how different parts of the world will feel the effects of climate change.
Temperature anomaly
Variation of 192 countries from their long-term averages, from 1880 – 2017.
By Antti Lipponen, the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
A map of global cumulative CO2 emissions over time
Share of CO2 emissions around the world over the years, from 1751 – 2016.
Grève du climat 15 mars 2019
On ne lâche rien ! Une nouvelle grève est annoncée pour le vendredi 15 mars – dans une soixantaine de pays, et bien sûr en Suisse …
What makes your country wealthy?
🇬🇧Leaders from business, politics and NGOs respond to the question, have we been getting “wealth” wrong all these years? Watch a recording of the televised debate, 9 January 2019, 17:00 CET.
Average temperatures have risen by ~0.8°C. By 2040 1.5°C will be reached …
IPCC report on global warming finds severe effects of waming at even 1.5°C rise of temperature.
Rising waters
Rising seas and oceans menace coastal communities from southern USA to southeastern Asia …
Carbon clock: tic toc, tic toc …
The carbon clock shows how little time is left before the 1.5°C (2.7°F) or 2°C (3.6°F) target is reached.
System 001 Launched
The first of a fleet intended to clean the ocean of plastic garbage takes to the seas.
Plastic roads
India produces 15 kT of plastic waste daily. Some of that is now being put to use in road construction: cheaper, stronger, more resistant roads, less waste. A frugal solution…
SSES Annual Congress 2019 on Sustainable Development
Save the Date – The Annual Congress 2019 of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES) will be held at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 June 2019.
Social Sustainability & Climate Resilience: What about the people?
This book looks at the role of urban planning and community involvement to promote positive behaviour and mind-sets that boost social sustainability and resilience to climate change and natural disasters. A free look at it.
We’re in a new age of obesity. How did it happen? You’d be surprised.
This short article reviews the possible causes of widespread obesity. It refutes much ‘conventional wisdom’ and puts the blame squarely on sugar and the food industry.
Tracking the SDGs
How are we doing in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ? See the SDG Tracker which shows data for all indicators from the Our World in Data database
Is the world is going in the right direction ?
Oxford economist Max Roser, shares three facts that everyone should know.
Climate change: effects
Temperatures have increased +0.07°C (+0.13°F) per decade since 1880, the Industrial Revolution. Since 1981 the that increase is more than twice that rate (+0.18°C or +0.32°F).
Small rises in Temperature
The average temperature of the air rises a little, ~2°C, but except for particularly hot spells, we may not really notice it. However the increase of “heat” content of the oceans is HUGE …
Companies move to remove plastic straws and bags from their properties
A pilot whale died off Thailand with 80 plastic bags in its stomach, three companies have vowed to remove plastic straws and bags from their properties …
Global development’s future: a conversation with Achim Steiner, UN Development Programm Administrator
Achim Steiner at IHEID to discuss multilateralism and innovation at UNDP to meet global challenges such as conflict, displacement, inequalities and climate change.
Plastic attacks hit Swiss supermarkets (Le News)
Swiss shoppers dump plastic wrapping at supermarkets to protest excessive plastic packaging. Plastic Attacks, which began at Tesco in Keynsham near Bristol, UK, have occurred in Sion, Pully, Zurich, Bern and elsewhere…
Project Drawdown
Project Drawdown, a plan proposed to reverse global warming with 80 solutions which are ranked and compared … and exist today.
Jai Jagat 2020
🇨🇭🇮🇳🇬🇧 The Jai Jagat 2020 Campaign will begin in New Delhi in October 2019 and ultimately arrive at UN Office in Geneva in September 2020 – lend your support !
iMatter and tele-talk with Dr Katharine Wilkinson of Project Drawdown
iMatter’s quick reminder about its speaker call Monday, 14 May at 19:00 Central time with Dr. Katharine Wilkinson of Project Drawdown, the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming…
Guide to responsible fish consumption
You can help to preserve and maintain marine life – see a simple list of things to do in buying seafood …
How biochar fertilization works…and practical techniques from Nepal
Biochar captures and releases nutrients (eg nitrogen and phosphorus) slowly into the soil to improve crop yields over an entire growing season and beyond – find out why …
GEN Geneva this week
Check the list here to see the events taking place this week in and around Geneva – it’s non-exhaustive.
EU bans pesticides which harms bees
EU agrees to total ban on neonicotinoids, bee-harming pesticides, by the end of 2018.
Mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles
Scientists have created an enzyme to degrade plastic (PET). Perhaps a hope to recycle some of the millions of tons of plastic produced annually?
Deux cours d’été @ UniGe pour développer ses compétences dans le domaine de l’environnement.
Cours d’été à l’UniGe sur l’environment – échanger et collaborer sur des sujets d’importance mondiale; se connecter avec des personnes diverses dans la ville internationale au cœur de l’Europe.
Plastic is not the worst pollutant …
Almost 5 billion metric tons of plastic has been dumped into the oceans of the world since we started to produce and use the stuff – that sounds bad. But if plastic’s not the worst pollutant, then what is?
Arctic ice sets new record low for winter
The extent of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean in winter of 2018 was near the record low for wintertime. The trend of shrinking ice due to global warming continues …
BBC: graphics explain climate change
Is temperature really rising ? Are CO2 concentrations increasing ? What are some effects ? This BBC article uses graphs to demonstrate climate change …
Climate change: time is running out
The Stanford Research reported to the American Petroleum Institute (API) that rising CO2 levels, “could bring about climatic changes” … in 1968.
Extreme weather and climate crisis
Is the climate crisis making weather more extreme? How can climate change increase our risk of both heavy rains and extreme droughts? Is it too late to do anything?
Plastic in the ocean
Plastic, plastic everywhere … Soooo much plastic !
We’ve made ~8.3 billion tons of the stuff – how much is that really?
UNEP prize
Young Champions of the Earth is a UNEP prize to breathe life into the ambitions of young environmentalists ….
Nabugabo Community Learning Centre
On the the Nabugabo Community Learning Centre near Lake Nabugabo, just off Lake Victoria, SW of Kampala, Uganda …
Extreme and unusual trends continue in 2017
The year 2016 made history, with a record global temperature, exceptionally low sea ice, and unabated sea level rise and ocean heat
Questions about climate change ?
Do you have questions about climate change? What’s Happening? What could happen? What to do?
Why SW ?
“Sustainable development”… The first thing that comes to my mind is to meet the needs of the present without compromising those of the future …
Economics basics – Ha-Joon Chang
Why every person can and SHOULD get their head around basic economics. Get some facts, and get involved in discussions about the fundamentals that your day-to-day lives depend on.
Oceans are under a great threat by many factors including overfishing, climate change, maritime traffic, pollution and …
Declining fish catches
Soooo many boats chasing sooooo few fish …
The inglorious outcome should be clear …
This is where your actions and initiatives will be posted …
Corporate climate change
Exxon Mobil will reconsider how it communicates the risks it faces from climate change …
Global Issues Network
The GIN seeks to empower young people to collaborate and create global projects based on sustainable solutions for shared issues …
G3iD had its first event 24/03/2017 – it was “a catalyst, showcasing and co-creating disruptive innovations that can be shared and scaled to change the world, fast.”
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and …
Cowspiracy Facts & Statistics
This 5 minunte video contains the facts and statistics from the incredible documentary Cowspiracy showing the devastating consequences eating animal products has on the planet. Plant Based Science London Published on Oct 21, 2015
Cowspiracy is Bull
Are Cowspiracy’s shocking facts real? Get another point of view …
Adventures of Max and Voltaire™
Max and Voltaire, a cat and a dog, discover interesting stories about the environment, mountains, water and agricuture …
Values ‘n Politics
What do we respect, what do we honor ? What we value determines how we behave and act. And these in turn govern how we live and survive. Or not.
Society Culture & recreation Education & information Health & well-being Housing & physical infrastructure Justice Livelihood & social protection Participation & social relations Peace, safety & security hereere Values & Politics SW...
The earth and its environment are amongst our most precious things. There is no plan B for earth. There are intelligent solutions to current crises.
Pesticides: Benefits and drawbacks; Possibilities for control; EU policies
This article reports on the serious defects of pesticides: risks to human health, loss of biodiversity, destruction of pollinators, and the inefficiency of aerial spraying.
Measures to make livestock production sustainable
Livestock are responsible for 11.8% GHG emissions measured in CO2 equivalent, according to FAO (2006), although other estimates are as high as ">51% (Goodland & Anhang, 2009). This report presents where we are, what some of the challenges are, some...
This is where your contributions will be posted …
Jeu de société Impact Collectif
Deux membres de l'équipe de la Fondation Earth Focus se sont rendus au Luxembourg du 17 au 19 Mars 2016 pour assister à la 11e conférence annuelle du Global Issues Network. Le « Global Issues Network » est une conférence qui a lieu entre les élèves d’écoles...
Board game Collective Impact
Move the Sustainabus over the board, stop at different places, choose to discuss issues, environmental, social, economic … or have an event on education, information …
Sustainabus : une introduction
Pendant de nombreuses années, la Fondation Earth Focus a été active dans la sensibilisation au développement durable, auprès de différentes écoles genevoises. A l’origine, Earth Focus publiait un magazine et organisait des événements afin d’aider la jeunesse à se...
Sustainabus: an introduction
For many years Earth Focus Foundation has been active in raising awareness of sustainability in different schools around Geneva. Originally, Earth Focus published a magazine and organized events helping the younger generation have a stronger voice on matters of...
Livestock, Environment & Learnings
Livestock consume about 1/3 of global crop production, 4/5 of the world’s agricultural land is used for grazing or feed and fodder. However meat supplies only 15% of the total energy and 30% protein in the global human diet. We can do better than that.
Cowspiracy’s Facts
Facts on cows, greenhouse gases, CO2, methane… From Cowspiracy
A Brief History of Climate Change
The BBC chronicls milestones, scientific discoveries, technical innovations & politics of climate change …
SDG Lazy Person’s Guide
Change starts with you – have a look at just a few of the many things you can do to make an impact!